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Humans of HCDE: Sola Chang

Animated image by Sola Chang of a person playing a card game

Sola Chang
Master's Student
Human Centered Design & Engineering

Tell us something about yourself.

My life journey has taken me everywhere! I pursued a degree in English Literature at UW while managing various part-time jobs, volunteer work and internships. Following graduation, I transitioned through several fields including freelancing to a law firm and a print shop. Then, I spent three amazing years in Korea, teaching computer science and English before shifting into the gaming industry. Over a span of six months, I collaborated with different teams to construct a portfolio featuring five indie games, ultimately securing the dream job that I have today! 

How do you describe HCDE when people ask what you are studying?

When asked to elaborate on my studies in HCDE, I describe it as an interdisciplinary field that harmonizes design principles with engineering. The program equips us with the skills to craft seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable user interactions by prioritizing empathy for our users. What sets HCDE apart is the emphasis on effective communication and collaboration within multidisciplinary teams responsible for bringing these designs to life. Beyond the technical aspects, the program instills a profound sense of social responsibility, encouraging designers to champion diversity, equity and inclusion. Overall, the HCDE program at UW serves as an exploration of the many facets of design, encouraging us students to make meaningful contributions to the evolving landscape of human-computer interaction.

What do you do for work?

I am a UI/UX designer for Blizzard Entertainment! Usually my day-to-day entails meetings, design work, providing and receiving feedback, participating in fun events and company culture activities. My projects range from creating new UI designs for card mechanics to updating features outside of the game to defining UX flows for a new mode, and so on. However, I’m lucky enough to have the opportunity to wear many hats. So on top of UX design work like creating wireframes, mockups and prototyping, I also get to do a myriad of other things like create artwork, implement my designs, bug fix, and write some code. Perfect for someone like me who is curious about a lot of different fields!

What is your favorite way to de-stress?

When it comes to unwinding, my go-to stress-buster is diving into my favorite video games with friends. Whether it's RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3, MOBAs like League of Legends, strategy games like Warcraft Rumble, or digital card games like Hearthstone, I find it fun to share experiences with others. When I need a break from the screen, you'll likely catch me enjoying a soothing massage or treating myself to a spa day – because even a gaming enthusiast needs a bit of offline pampering now and then!

Where can we learn more about you?

My LinkedIn or my website.


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